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This cell is formed To develop spirit/awareness on entrepreneurship among the students, To develop the advanced skill of creativity and innovative thinking, To empower and inspire students to take initiatives and accept responsibilities to thrive in the challenging world and To become employment creators than seekers.
Opening up to new possibilities. Ministry of Education, Govt. of India has established an ‘Innovation cell’ with a purpose of systematically fostering the culture of Innovation in all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across the country.
The incubation centres would provide the start – ups with necessary guidance , tech support, infrastructure, access to investors, networking, and facilitating a host of other resources that may be required for the start – up to survive and scale.
Research and development (R&D) includes activities that companies undertake to innovate and introduce new products and services. It is often the first stage in the development process. The goal is typically to take new products and services to market and add to the company’s bottom line.
The Engineering Design and Prototyping Lab is an open-access workspace where approved engineering students can work independently or in teams on class projects or related extracurricular activities. The lab includes ample workspace, as well as commonly used tools and storage space for unfinished or ongoing projects.
computer-generated environment with scenes and objects that appear to be real, making the user feel they are immersed in their surroundings.
The Center aims to provide an interdisciplinary environment and bring together the research groups involved in robotics, control engineering, embedded systems, industrial automation, artificial intelligence, computer coding, machine learning and other related technologies.
While artificial intelligence encompasses the idea of a machine that can mimic human intelligence, machine learning does not. Machine learning aims to teach a machine how to perform a specific task and provide accurate results by identifying patterns.
The objective of digital marketing is to develop strong and innovative strategies to promote the business brand, products, and services. A digital marketing professional is expected to effectively use all marketing tools and techniques like PPC, SEO, SEM, email, social media, and display advertising.
At Campusmart , we have the expertise in guiding you to set up your college or university project and help you maximize the performance of your campus while also figuring out your return.