CBSE school near hyderabad. excellent opportunity. no cbse schools around. agriculturally and economically rich region.
ewrr | rerer |
dfgdf | erer |
dgdfgd | dfgdgd |
dgffdg | dfgdfg |
dgfg | dgfdg |
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Premise Size: 21.8 bugha
The place is nearby Jaipur
21.8 bugha | 21.8 bugha |
21.8 bugha | 21.8 bugha |
21.8 bugha | 21.8 bugha |
CBSE school near hyderabad. excellent opportunity. no cbse schools around. agriculturally and economically rich region.
location | east karnataka |
no of students | 621 |
annual revenue | INR 5.4 crore |
No of blocks | 3 |
land area | 3acres 300 sq yards |
reason for exit | migrating to health care industry |
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